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abj Abdul Kalam tribal school

Apj Abdul Kalam Tribal International Residential School

APJ Abdul Kalam Tribal Residential School is to provide quality education exclusively for tribal children, mainly from kurumba community of Attappady, in complete residential mode with superior infrastructure and resource pool. Among the three major tribal sects in Attappadi, i.e Irula, Kurumba and Muduga, the primitive most tribal group are Kurumbas who inhibit inner forest areas with deprived living standards. The school is situated at Attappady, the largest tribal block of Kerala in around 4.59 acres of its ethnic locale. It will contribute to the sustainable development of tribal community retaining their cultural values and heritage.

A P J Abdul Kalam International Residential Tribal School is the extension project of SMIC's (Santhi Medical Information Centre) Attappadi Welfare Project. Our past three years’ (2014-17) welfare activities in the region could bring better living conditions to the community in terms of infrastructure facilities, education, health, employment, hygiene sanitation etc. But in the bottom line, the fact is, the tribal people are more inclined to their lethargic way of life addicted to drugs and laziness with little interest to work, learn or to live self-sufficiently due to their long rooted and habituated way of unprivileged, exploited, oppressed and marginalized life. They resort back to their miserable lifestyle, the moment the external rehabilitation facilities are stopped. Lack of solid basics in education restrains them to excel in higher studies, which was reaffirmed to us when tried to give entrance coaching [ Students of GHSS Sholayur ] and IAS coaching to selected students of Attappady. Only solution is the sustainable development of the community through education and the hopes resides with the upcoming generation.

An Academic Advisory Committee consisting of professionals and subject experts chaired by Secretary of the Trust will be advising on the academic and expediting aspects of A.P.J Abdul Kalam Tribal Residential School. The Authority will be responsible for monitoring academic and infrastructure developments, review and adjust day to day operations. The objectives of the mission will be implemented through steering committees without amendments or alterations other than enhancing the deliverables.